Put your foot down for faster promotions

Ever wished you could set up promotions more quickly and easily?
Well now you can.
Codeweavers Promotions is a tool in our Showroom System that will help you turn round promotions more quickly, attract more customers and shift more stock.

Upgrade from manual to automatic
Instead of laboriously adding vehicles to your promotions manually, with Promotions you can instantly add as many vehicles as you like.
You can set up your offers in as little as 5 minutes, you’ll be able to spend more time with your customers.
More speed means more Promotions
Quicker promotions means more promotions. And, of course, more promotions means more impact on your bottom line. Not only that but promotions can be time-limited and added to all the websites where your vehicles are displayed.

Black Friday or Blue Monday. Hit key points throughout the year
More promotions also means you can hit more key points throughout the year, whether it be Black Friday or Blue Monday, Christmas or Easter! You’ll also have the flexibility to bolt on our other products such as our Finance Calculator to help you sell even more cars.

Import and export spreadsheets to set up offers for multiple vehicles
Promotions makes it easier than ever to set up offers for multiple vehicles. You can also update things immediately if something needs to be changed and create offers manually from a VRM, VIN or Manufacturer Code.
Quicker turnaround means increased turnover
Find out more about how Codeweavers Promotions can help you sell more cars by contacting our Platform Solutions team at support@codeweavers.net.