What do you know about your customers that would like to finance a car?
There are so many interesting stats about car buyers and how people want to buy a car, and we've noticed some really cool trends. Did you know that in January, people who live in Birmingham prefer to look at Hire Purchase offers more than any other finance offers?
So how do we know this, and where do we get this information from? Codeweavers provide finance calculators and tools for 1000s of dealer and manufacturer websites and have done for over 16 years. As we have over 60,000 users interacting with our calcs on a daily basis, we have tons of stats about what they are searching for, how they are searching and things like their demographics and location. This means we can group these stats to gauge trends and insights that dealers find useful.
For this post, we are going to look into 25-34 year olds that have interacted with a finance calculator. We have selected this age group randomly, they equate to 20.99% of users who interact with a finance calculator.
So, what have we found?
Interestingly, these users spend almost 2 minutes 50 seconds interacting with a finance calculator. This could suggest that they are extremely interested in financing a car as they are creating multiple finance quotes to purchase their perfect car.
But what if you could provide these guys with their perfect quote from the word go?
You can find the make and model of the car 25-34 year olds are interested in by looking at the referral paths your customers have clicked on in Google Analytics. You can also find what information these users were entering into the calculator. For January, we have found that 25-34 year olds didn't want to put down a deposit but were happy to pay a monthly payment £100-200 over a period of 48-60 months.
So they really want to keep costs down, but pay over a longer period of time. Having all this information can help your digital marketing efforts massively! You could create promotions for your different digital channel that entice these 25-34 year olds specifically. A cool feature we have with our calcs is that you can add promotions that appear in a banner within the calc on your website, so you can continually add offers based on what your customers are interested in!
We hope you find this info useful. We have lots of insights like this, so if you want more information, give us a bell on 0800 021 0888 or email us on